Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.
– Abella Arthur
Intuition is a left and right brained phenomena.
When reading, the best tarot readers use left and right brain functions simultaneously while switching back and forth as needed. I believe this is one reason why tarot is hard to learn.
The reader is required to use their left brain functions (Mercury, Gemini, Virgo) to judge what they see, making conclusions instantaneously while viewing the imagery abstractly which puts them into the zone of skrying in a Neptunian, Piscean, psychic, right brained fashion. Then after they have done that, they combine and synthesize all that intuitive data and communicate it in a Saturnian, worldy way that is accessible.
Sounds tough? It is.
Impossible to learn how to read tarot? No.
It looks like this: Mercury (left brain, facts, figures, analysis) + Neptune (right brain, feelings, psychic, inspirations).
Mercury squares Neptune and that causes tension and challenge. But it’s something that can be overcome. A square can be turned into a trine. Also, many Tarot Readers have the Me 90° Ne aspect; however, it can also cause them tension (especially in their private lives). I have Mercury (in the 8th) BiNovile Neptune (in the 10th).
It takes exercising both your left and right brain in an almost equal (if not equal) fashion to read tarot with ease. And TarotSeek helps connect left and right brain skills.
That’s why I recommend books on developing intuition and interpreting symbols when working with TarotSeek rather than reading another tarot book.
Do you have a Mercury-Neptune contact? If you are not sure how to figure that out, I would be happy to give you that information.
Purchase a copy of TarotSeek and begin your own 120 in 30 or 21 in 4 TarotSeek challenge today! I recommend getting your copy at SmashWords. It supports ALL ereaders, even Kindle (.mobi) and you’ll save some money.
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