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© Abella Jucy Arthur

My ebook Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek: Learn How To Read Tarot Cards For Yourself is about giving a reader a method of reading that will give instant, accurate, and objective readings without any formal tarot training, memorization, or long-winded reading.

Having said that, if the reader is lacking confidence in their abilities (ie new to reading or doesn’t believe they have the *gift* cough, cough) it can be very hard for them to interpret their ‘answers’ or ‘responses’.

Today, a student mentioned that the Tarot Prompt: Describe the card meant that all the cards would eventually mean the same thing and she wouldn’t get anything new out of it.

I said that’s only one prompt. What about this one: What’s the first thing you see? Is the light in the Hermit’s card the first thing you always see? Or maybe do you see the mountain, walking stick, or beard first? Whatever you see first becomes the ‘anchor’ of your response. It has meaning, and there’s a reason why you see one thing over another first.

Also, after you’ve described the card once or twice, you don’t have to keep doing it for that deck as you’ve already done it. And doing it, connects you with the card’s core meaning.

TarotSeek is a tool for traditional tarot reading, as well as standing on its own as an original method of tarot reading.

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